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Finding Equanimity in Challenging Times with Sharon Salzberg

  • Online Event through Zoom (map)

Sharon Salzberg, world-renowned meditation and mindfulness teacher and New York Times best-selling author, joins us for this special event to offer a much-needed teaching for these challenging times. Sharon shows us that true equanimity is about meeting life, no matter what arises, with an open and responsive heart. It is a steadiness of mind and a calm understanding that allows us to be with the constantly changing and shifting landscape of our world.

Whether working with conflict, frustration, or uncertainty, Sharon teaches that equanimity does not mean responding with indifference or apathy, but rather a spaciousness of mind that empowers lovingkindness and compassion in action. Experience Sharon’s vast wisdom of Mind-Body Awareness born from  her decades on the forefront of the mindfulness movement in this country. Co-hosted with the Dao Collective and The Contemplative Studies Minor at Purchase College, SUNY. Free to Attend to Purchase College Contemplative Studies Students and Faculty.

SHARON SALZBERG, a pioneer in the field of meditation, a world-renowned teacher, and best-selling author, has played a pivotal role bringing meditation and mindfulness into mainstream American culture since 1974. She is cofounder of The Insight Meditation Society, in Barre, Massachusetts, and has authored 11 books, including the New York Times best-seller, Real Happiness, her seminal work, Lovingkindness, and Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection. Her latest book, launching in 2020 is, Real Change: Mindfulness to Heal Ourselves and the World. Acclaimed for her down-to-earth and relatable teaching style, Sharon offers a secular, modern approach to Buddhist teachings, making them instantly accessible. Her writing can be found on Medium, On Being, the Maria Shriver blog, and Huffington Post. Sharon is also the host of her own podcast, The Metta Hour, with more than 90 episodes featuring interviews with the top leaders and voices in the meditation and mindfulness movement.’

THE CONTEMPLATIVE STUDIES MINOR AT PURCHASE COLLEGE, SUNY, is dedicated to integrating the art and science of contemplative practices into academic work in order for students to develop self-knowledge, resilience, critical awareness, and positive social engagement. This experiential approach complements a rigorous interdisciplinary academic investigation and discussion of contemplative practices in the sciences, humanities, and arts. The minor is composed of courses already offered at Purchase, as well as the framework for faculty to develop courses dedicated to the minor. In addition, students can design an internship/independent study under the supervision of a Contemplative Studies advisor.

DAO COLLECTIVE offers professional and personal development programs with top teachers, distinguished practitioners, and lineage holders in East Asian medicine and spiritual practices. Programs take place in locations just north of New York City, carefully selected for their Feng Shui – sunlit spaces near water and with beautiful views – to enhance your learning experience. The Aligned Center’s Matt Ludmer is a proud Dao Collective collaborator.